
  1. Base questions
  2. Demo Pages
  3. Metrics
  4. Registration and Account Settings
  5. SoGreatWall Overview
  6. Subscription, Trial and Payments

When I try to add a fanpage I get an error. What does it mean?

The reason is: you have already reached fanpage limit for your price plan, or you are trying to add a fanpage, with maximum fans limit exceeded for your plan. You might also want to check, if the ULR pasted is correct.

I want to find out, how the analytics section works. What is interaction, and how is engagement rate calculated?

You can find that info in “Metrics” section in SoGreatWall application. “Metrics” is located in “Help” tab, next to “My Account”.

You can also find metrics definitions in this FAQ, “Metrics” section.

Why are some of the statistics presented on SoGreatWall different from those on Facebook insights?

There are three reasons for this difference:

- The time zone which we are calculating the data from Facebook pages sometimes differs
from the time zone used by Facebook Insights.

- Private data are the source for Facebook Insights. Public data are the source for
SoGreatWall. These data are aggregated at different time.

- Facebook Insights allows you only to see the analysis for the last month. SoGreatWall allows you to monitor historical data for a time range, specified in your pricing plan. As an addition, we give you a tool to benchmark your page against competitor pages in which you are not an administrator.

What is Power Analytics?

Power Analytics is one analytical tool used to benchmark, monitor, track and report Facebook fanpages, YouTube channels, Twitter channels or VKontakte groups in form of various visual graphs.

What is the difference between a monitored profile and an analyzed profile?

Monitored profiles are the ones which you add to GreatWall, analyzed profiles are the ones added to Power Analytics. The main difference is, that in GreatWall you can browse through actual content of fanpages or channels, in Power Analytics you can view performance visualizations of selected fanpages and channels in form of various statistical graphs.

What are the differences between SoGreatWall and YouTube analytics, VKontakte analytics, or Twitter analytics? Why some of the statistics presented in SoGreatWall may be different than in the social network's analytics?

Our analytics are based on data available publicly in the social networks' APIs, so some data available in the built-in analytics may not be available in SoGreatWall. The metrics we use are explained in more details in the Metrics section of the FAQ.

What is SoGreatWall?

SoGreatWall is a social media newsfeed, aggregating posts from various social media channels. You can see posts from Facebook, VKontakte, YouTube and Twitter in one place, filter, compare, and send them to your business associates.

How can I delete fanpages or channels?

Go to “My Fanpages” in top right corner, and click “X” button on the right, next to fanpage or channel. Before you do that, make sure that you will not exceed your fanpages limit when you try to add a new fanpage instead of deleted one.

How can I change fanpages or channels?

To do that, you must delete a fanpage or a video channel first, and add a new one.

How can I add fanpages or channels?

When you first login to the system, automatic demo will guide you step by step in process of adding channels or fanpages.

If you have already passed through demo or decided not to watch it, and want to do it manually you can do it in two ways:

- Click blue “+” button just right to the demo fanpages logos. Paste your URL, click “Search” and if the URL is correct, confirm your choice.

- Go to “My fanpages” in top right corner, and then click “Add+” again in top right corner. The following steps are just the same as in the first option.

Make sure, you did not exceed your maximum fanpages limit. You can check the limits at “My limits” button in top right corner.

Someone else has added the same fan pages as I did, will we see the same data?

Yes, every user who has access to our SoGreatWall tool will see the same data and graphs.

I have added several fan pages, but can’t see any data.

It means, that the fanpages you have added, did not exist in our database before. After you added them we have started to collect data, you should be able to see it in about 20 minutes.

Can I monitor any Facebook fanpage, YouTube channel, VKontakte channel, or Twitter profiles?

Yes, you can monitor any fanpage or channel. However, you can’t monitor more pages, than in your pricing plan.

How can you offer unlimited fans when other services always limit the number of fans per fanpage?

Number of fans for fanpages can grow very fast these days. We don’t won’t you to pay additional fees for something that might be out of your control.

What social networks do you support?

At this moment, we support Facebook, VKontakte, YouTube and Twitter. Keep up to date with SoGreatWall, as we plan to expand into more social networks.

How do you track local pages when they are part of a global Facebook fanpage?

Just the same way, as you track global fanpage. Only thing you have to do, is to add a local fanpage in “My Fanpages” tab.

How can I export data or send it to my email??

In Greatwall, go to “Options” tab on the left side, and click “Share Greatwall” or “Send Bookmarked”. This allows you, to send posts by email.

When will you support more social networks?

You will receive weekly emails from us, with updates about SoGreatWall, new features, and information about supporting new social networks.

What is VKontakte?

VKontakte is the second largest social network service in Europe after Facebook. It is available in several languages, but particularly popular among Russian-speaking users around the world. SoGreatWall gives you possibility to analyze VKontakte content.

Can you really monitor and analyze VKontakte?

Yes, you can monitor and analyze VKontakte using both GreatWall and Power Analytics.

Which metrics should I focus on?

That is up to you and your needs, however, our advice is to focus on Engagement Rate and Interactions first.

Is it possible to compare more than two pages at a time?

Yes, you can compare up to 30 pages at the same time, depending on your Subscription Plan. Make sure, you have added more than one page in “My Fanpages” tab.

Can I share my access with other colleagues?

Technically, you can do that, but at your own risk. However, if you want to have multiple accounts, you can choose a plan that suits your needs, or you can contact us at sales@sogreatwall.com for a custom plan.

How can I monitor my competitors?

You can do that, by adding your competitors pages in “My Fanpages” in top right corner. Be sure, to check your pages limit, before you do that. After pages are added, you can monitor your competitors in GreatWall, Power Analytics, or both, depending on your Subscription Plan.

How can you translate content from 80 languages to English?

We use Google Translate for that. At this moment, they provide a possibility to translate from 80 languages to English.

Can I access historical data from more than 90 days ago?

No, you can’t do that. That is because, we don’t store data older, than 90 days

What are the biggest benefits of greatwall?

Go to our “How it Works” section on www.sogreatwall.com and you will find detailed info there.

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